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eVOTING Risks Panel Discussion – 10/20/2008

At a recent NYMISSA event, our panel held a discussion on the risks associated with eVoting:

Part 1:


Part 2:


Important Notice for Non-Members!

To properly support our members and hosts who sponsor our frequent educational and networking events, we will be changing our event model: attendance at regular monthly events without sponsor exhibits will be free for chapter members only beginning in March. As such, if you are not a fully paid ISSA NY Metro Chapter member, you may still attend these events but will be charged a $25.00 fee at the time of registration.

For current non-members and trial members who wish to join the chapter at this time, please visit http://www.issa.org/Join.html today for details on various membership types. When you join, remember to SELECT THE NY METRO CHAPTER AS YOUR AFFILIATION!

If you do not receive credentials prior to registering for an upcoming event, please email registration@nymissa.org“>registration@nymissa.org after you have processed your application but at least 5 days in advance of the event date. Be sure to include the date your ISSA membership application and payment was submitted and the NY Metro Chapter event you wish to attend. Membership must be validated in advance of events, and no non-member registration or membership applications will be accepted on-site.

Welcome to our new website!

No user profile is needed on this new website! All event registration is now handled through cvent.com.

Chapter members should update their contact information directly with ISSA National at www.issa.org; the Chapter now accepts member information updates only from ISSA National. If you would like us to automatically provide CPE information to ISC(2), please also give ISSA National your CISSP number.