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NYMISSA December Gala Event

It is with deep regret that we, the SC World Congress and the FS-ISAC announce the postponement of our December ISSA Gala Event at the Javits Center.  We will continue to bring you interesting, timely events in 2009 which as always will feature compelling topics and dynamic speakers. Please check the NYMISSA website www.nymissa.org to […]

eVOTING Risks Panel Discussion – 10/20/2008

At a recent NYMISSA event, our panel held a discussion on the risks associated with eVoting: Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1YuRuf_c9s Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EArDqeP534

Chapter Event: E-Voting — Information Security Implications

The New York Metro ISSA chapter is happy to host a meeting on Monday, October 20, 2008 that focuses on E-voting and the associated security and privacy implications. Register Today: Registration for this event is handled by cvent.com. Full session details and registration information is available at http://guest.cvent.com/i.aspx?5S,M3,69282422-ab72-4f5d-9e37-f32393441ed7. Important Announcement: This meeting will be free […]

Chapter Event: Trends in the Field of Data Breach Investigations

New York Metro ISSA’s educational program for September is titled ‘The Trends in the Field of Data Breach Investigations’, and was be held at the Deloitte & Touche office at 1633 Broadway.